In 2023 I reactivated my Brooklyn studio "Cloud Tunnel", using two translucent scrims hung parallel to each other between two projected image streams. People are able to interact with the imagery, creating shadows, movement, and mystery as they wander in the midst of colors and shapes that flow around them. The images here are of the experiences of various people in the Tunnel: me, David, Haifa, Erica and Leslie. See "Earthlings" and the "Sun and the Horn" for more Cloud Tunnel experiences.

David in the Cloud Tunnel: 1
David in the Cloud Tunnel: 2
David in the Cloud Tunnel: 3
David in the Cloud Tunnel: 4
David in the Cloud Tunnel: 5
Haifa in the Cloud Tunnel: 1
Haifa in the Cloud Tunnel: 2
Haifa in the Cloud Tunnel: 3
Haifa in the Cloud Tunnel: 4
Haifa in the Cloud Tunnel: 5
Erica in the Cloud Tunnel: 1
Erica and Leslie in the Cloud Tunnel: 1
Erica in the Cloud Tunnel: 2
Erica in the Cloud Tunnel: 3
Erica in the Cloud Tunnel: 4
Erica and Leslie in the Cloud Tunnel: 2